Wyre Forest Gang Show – Squirrels & Beavers – Leader Information & Sign Up

This page is for Squirrel & Beaver leaders only. If you are a Cub, Scout or Explorer Leader or Parent please click here. If you are a leader who would like to volunteer to help on the weekend please click here.

Thank you for your interest in taking part in the new Wyre Forest Gang Show. Here is all the information you need to sign you Squirrel Drey or Beaver Colony up to take part.

When is it?

The show is taking place on Sunday 16th March 2025 at Stourport High School. Whilst older scouts will be attending the whole weekend, Squirrels and Beavers will just attend for the day on Sunday for a reheardal followed by the show.

Who can take part?

We are inviting all Squirrel Dreys and Beaver Colonys to take part as groups. You will need to provide enough leaders / dbs’ed adults to accompany your young people as per your section ratios and they will need to stay and look after your young people for the duration of the sunday.

For Beavers only if you are unable to take part as a colony but have a couple of really keen beavers please contact us, depending on how many cubs, scouts & explorers we have sign up and how many leaders we have volunteering to help we may be able to take a few beavers solo but can’t promise this at the moment

What is Gang Show?

It’s an amazing event where Scouts from all sections come together to perform songs, skits, and maybe even a few surprises. The Gang Show has a rich history dating back to 1932 when Ralph Reader produced the very first show in London. Since then, Gang Shows have been an incredible opportunity for young people in scouting worldwide to showcase their talents on stage.

The Gang Show is a fast-paced, lively revue featuring a mix of musical numbers and hilarious sketches, all performed by Scouts. The focus is on celebrating the talents of younger members, so whether you love to sing, act, or dance, this is your chance to shine! This is your opportunity to showcase your talents! You’ll be singing, acting, dancing—and above all, working together as a team. It’s not just about being on stage; it’s about learning new skills, building friendships, and having tons of fun along the way.

Take a look at this clip from past Wyre Forest Gang Shows

What will happen on the weekend?

We have a team of Explorer scouts who are taking the lead with putting the show together. The Show is being themed around a campfire talent show. We are aiming for the show to be around 1 hour long split into two 30 minute halves.

The draft timetable for the day is as follows:

09:30 – Arrive

10:00 – 11:00 – Beavers & Squirrels Welcome

11:00 – 12:30 – Dress Rehearsal

12:30 – 13:30 – Lunch (Own Packed Lunch)

13:30 – House Opens

14:00 – Show Starts

15:15 – Approx Show Finish

All leaders and young people will need to attend in uniform and bring their own packed lunch please.

We will be offering free tickets to all the groups in the district and to parents (there will be a limited number however due to venue size). Further infomation on allocation of tickets will be sent out in due course.

What do we need to do to be in the show?

We are asking all Squirrels and Beavers taking part to learn 3 songs in advance. 2 Songs which all sections will learn and then one section specific song. The Squirrels and Beavers will watch the show from the audience and then join the older cast on stage for their songs. You will find practise material at the bottom of this page.

The songs are:

All – Crest of a wave (Traditional Gang Show Finale Song)

All – Alice the Cammel

Squirrels – Baby Bumble Bee

Beavers – Grand old Duke of York


The Gang Show team have looked through the badge requrements and believe taking part in the show can count towards the following badges

    Squirrels can work towards their Get Creative Badge

    Beavers can work towards their Skills Challenge and Creative Badges

Want to Sign Up?

Parents of Young people please speak to your section leaders to find out if your Drey / Colony is able to take part. Please do not use the form below.

Leaders – Does that all sound like fun and you want to sign your Drey or Colony up? Thats great. Please gather together your numbers of Young People and leaders and then complete the form below by Friday 14th February at the latest. After that please use the practice material below to learn the songs and we look forward to welcoming you to the show. For any questions please reply to any of the WFSI emails on Gang Show (sent by Mark Atkinson) or use the contact form on this website.

Squirrel & Beaver Group registration form

If you are not able to take part as a group but some of your leaders would be willing to support the show as a volunteer during the weekend please ask them to complete this form.

Leader volunteer registration

Practise Material

Please make use of the lyric sheets and backing tracks contained the the google drive links below to help you practise the songs with your sections

Squirrel Practice Materals
Beaver Practise Materials

Any Questions?

For any questions please reply to any of the WFSI emails on Gang Show (sent by Mark Atkinson) or use the contact form on this website.